Thursday, April 21, 2011

A word of consolation

Everyone back home must be wondering what is happening with us. We are currently travelling through a troubled and upside-down continent. Some days it feels a little like we are caught amongst the pins at the bowling alley, watching the balls hurtling towards us an knowing that the pins will be tumbling around us -- never sure which ones will fall, which will stay standing, which will drag us down with it.

I, for one, had promised my loved ones that I would not knowingly put myself in a situation of risk, that I would keep myself informed about world events and that I would fly out of here if things got dangerous. I am quite sure everyone out there would like to hear that same promise from their own family members who are currently on this Trans.

But let me assure you -- we have no intention of being reckless and the last of the great adventurers. I know each individual would gladly answer to the call of the Endorphins and go with the flow of the Adrenaline Rush, but none of us are here as individuals -- each of us is one of the a group, and the safety of the group is what will be the ultimate factor in our decisions about the rest of the trip.

At the moment we are playing the waiting game -- but then, that is not unusual for Africa. We are on Africa Time and the waiting game was invented by Africa. Mark is the best person to be in charge at the moment -- he knows the people, he knows what is called for and when and where -- so we are in good hands.

For security reasons we don't advertise where we are are and when or where we are going, but rest assured, we are safe and sound and very fortunate to be in a comfortable place -- and also very fortunate to be a group that knows how to make the best of any situation and to have fun no matter where!

SO -- watch this space for the story of the hog roast -- of the hog which is being led home on a lead as we speak, will be slaughtered and butchered not five metres from where I am sitting right now, and will be the centre of our celebration tonight.

What are we celebrating? Being here in Beautiful Africa and experiencing this priceless adventure, of course

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