Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Mali Easter Bunny visits our campsite

Amazing how, even in darkest Africa, the Easter Bunny knows where to go lay its eggs!
(Let's just hope everyone wakes up and find the little nests at the foot of their beds before the African sun melts the chocolate!)

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  1. Wow! Loving your blog and stunning pics. Did the trip last year and believe me it just gets better! Say hi to Marky Marjane and 'Little One' Minogue! My biggest tip - talk to the ppl as much as you can - even in sign language and smiles - those were some of the best memories for me.. :)

  2. Thanks Zakiya -- Will pass on the greetings -- and yes -- I agree that the best is chatting to the locals -- that is what I have always done in my travels. After all, it is the people that make a country...
