Saturday, December 10, 2011

Eating and drinking (Part One) Nouvelle Cuisine : Pah!

If there is one thing we have not missed on this trip, it has been bacon and eggs for breakfast, MacDonalds for lunch and pasta bake -- or anything baked -- for dinner.
Well -- that is so not true, but the fact of the matter is definitely that we have eaten well. We have fallen in love with foods that, had you told us about them before this trip, we would probably have cringed. We have tried strange and weird things -- and only asked afterwards what it was that we were eating. We have pulled up our noses and licked our lips. We have gone back for more, and wished we had never gone the first time. We have become immune to flies and dirt and grubby hands and things that have been hanging in the butcher's stall for more days than can possibly be good for them. And above all, our taste buds have been on a glorious journey of discovery. Some were more adventurous than others, but at the end of the day, everyone in this group has surprised him or herself at least once with the courage shown in trying new things.

Tej -- Honey wine in Ethiopia
Deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious! Always served in -- and drunk out of a quaint little glass 'vase'

Teff -- the stuff injera is made of. (Come on guys! Did you not read what the
Tokoloshe says lately?)

So tempting -- all the beautiful pots and paraphernalia in the local market in which to cook delicious and delectable things!

Often the saving grace of food that could be regarded as slightly dubious...
wonderful spices -- the colours, the smells, the texture a work of art

A very civilised beer tasting evening in Yabello -- the first town we stopped in in Ethiopia. This went on for quite a while as I seem to recall there were at least five different kinds of beers to try out -- St George, Meta, Something Special, Dashen, Castel -- if I remember correctly... Nacio and Ben cheated as they kept on re-trying the same beers

Anna and Andrew did not quite agree on which beer was the best. She's Canadian and he's a Beer Connoiseur. The debate was never going to be a walk-over.

And then Graham decided he would try a little mirrah -- leaves that make you feel very happy -- (and your tongue completely numb)

And it worked...
He never lost that look for at least three days after! (Elisa -- this one's for you!)

David tasted the leaves and went "Eeeuw! What's the point?"

The food at the Seven Olives -- or the Four Sisters (whatever) in Lalibela, was so good that some people went back for dinner, for breakfast, for lunch and -- well, then we left, or they would have gone back for dinner again.

Injera and shira (stewed chickpeas) -- yum!

Wild rice and vegetables -- double yum!

Firfir -- chopped up injera, tomato and sometimes meat -- and if you are lucky, an egg

Lamb and vegetables, sizzling in an earthenware pot over red hot embers

Always a wonderfully social and goodwill pleasure : the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

And that was only a small taste of Ethiopia...

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