Saturday, May 14, 2011

A happy smile for Shishco, a huge relief for the Bearded Ones, a big celebration coming up...

Over the past two months, Jesco has slowly but surely turned into a Shishco.

One of the many little routines of life on the road has become the shisha pipe being set up, the tobacco being prepared, the stools brought out from the back locker and coals pinched from the
cooking fires, which would, by this stage, be well on their way -- and then Jesco and his water pipe smoking buddies would huddle in a circle at the back of the truck and enjoy the pleasures of the apple aromas...

Then disaster struck. We were stranded in Bamako and Bamako ran out of apple tobacco for shisha pipes!

Every Syrian shop or trader in Mali was contacted. Every Lybian or Egyptian or Malian with a possible contact in any of those countries - was contacted. Long and hot and arduous trips were made across town, in the heat of the day, at great risk to life and limb. Desperate telephone calls - local and long distance - were made. Yellow Pages and White Pages were rifled and studied and studied again under a magnifying glass. Dehydration and withdrawal symptoms, pain and agony, cold sweats and hyperventilation, but no tobacco. Jesco even googled recipes, wrote to friends in Palestine for ideas, consulted friends in Egypt for expert advice. He sat in the sun and mixed tobacco and grated apples, glycerine and honey. He kneaded and squeezed and rubbed and filled one head after the other, put the coal on top and --- no cigar! Lots of smoke, bad tobacco taste, no apple taste, doesn't work.

And then, a miracle! Mark wanders through the fridge section of the supermarket -- there where the luxury-most-luxury-of-luxury items are kept -- the chocolate and the apples and the French cheese and the smoked salmon. Why was he looking there? No one knows. Perhaps just to dream...?

And there, tucked in between the last remnants of the chocolate easter eggs and the green Granny Smith apples, there, in neat little tins with plastic lids, shisha pipe tobacco!!

Marc kindly bought a tin for Jesco and brought it back to the camp. I say 'kindly' because he was thinking of the rest of the group that have had to put up with Jesco over the last few tobacco-less weeks! -- And -- needless to say, Jesco rushed back there and bought out the entire stock! He is smiling again. And should you look for him -- go look at the back of the truck, under the tree,
where he is happily sitting on his little stool, next to his shisha pipe, puffing away, the water bubbling, the smoke rising, the apple aromas wafting this way...

Yesterday the Nigerian Consul wanted to meet the entire group before the final decision about the visas. Mark's instructions were clear:
"OK guys! *&^%#/ing Everyone *&^%#/ing clean up. Proper *&^%#/ing clothes, proper *&^%#/ing shirts, clean *&^%#/ing clothes, everyone *&^%#/ing shower and *&^%#/ing wash up and *&^%#/ing shave."

Photo Credit: Kyle Mijlof

There was a lot of debating amongst the boys -- and in particular the Bearded Ones, as to whether it meant that they had to shave their pride and joy and crowning glories off (well -- that is how they see it, you understand. After all, they have been working long and hard for two months now to grow the lushest, thickest, longest, most disgusting beards and they are very, very proud of this utterly magnificent hirsute appearance!)

In the end the scissors came out and there was a lot of trimming and snipping and preening and prancing in front of the mirrors. The end result was not noticeably different to the starting result -- at least not in the eyes of the non-bearded ones, but they felt they had made the effort.

We all went off to the embassy -- sparkling clean, washed and ironed (I exaggerate -- no ironing), darned and shiny, clothed and shod, and there we waited and waited and waited to be interviewed. But -- as things happen in Africa, only Mark and Frits were called in and the rest? It did feel good for that little while to be clean again -- and the Bearded Ones gave HUGE sighs of relief that they had not sacrificed their growth for the sake of -- nothing!


And tomorrow night we are celebrating! Another pig-on-the-spit-pants-party to celebrate the fact that we have our visas, that Jesco found some shisha tobacco, that Orm and Graham and Ben and Frits got to save their beards, that we are OUT OF HERE! and that we will finally be back on the road again! We apologise in advance if there is a bit of noise that is sure to last late into the night, and if you want a bit of crackling or an extra portion of apple sauce or honey and mustard grave, place your orders now!

Invitation designed and executed by Emy

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